I have been a rabid fan of the show "Lost" for the past six years, so like the rest of the world (minus the naysayers), I watched on Sunday as my greatest television love was extinguished in a puff of smoke monster.
The finale was the cause of so much confusion, argument, and Facebook de-friending that I couldn't help but try to put my own thoughts and theories into words in the hopes that I can make some sense of things, even if only for my own scattered noggin.
First and foremost, let me say that I was absolutely pleased with the ending of this epic. Were all of my questions answered? Of course not. But I'm at peace with that, because I was sort of expecting it - there was no way the writers could have tied up every loose end this season, so I was ready to let some stuff go. And isn't it better sometimes NOT to know?? It means we can still have vaulted discussions on the matter, it can still be a fun thing to dicker over at the water cooler, and sometimes when mysteries are over-explained, they lose what made them special in the first place.
Also, how could I dare argue with what ended up being one of the more emotionally satisfying conclusions in (my) television-watching history? So I didn't get all of the sci-fi mumbo-jumbo nerd answers I was seeking - I got the joy of seeing these characters who I've grown to love find peace amidst their own conclusions. And that's what was always at the heart of "Lost" - it wasn't smoke monsters and hatches, it was the emotional journey of these flawed, yearning, lovable survivors. The term "Lost" doesn't apply so much to their physical state of being as it did to their spiritual and emotional one. And yes, cheesy as it is to say, by the end of the finale, they did indeed seem to be..."found."
Ultimately, those are my thoughts on the subject. But I know there are those of you out there who are ready to throw your coffee in my sappy "love-is-the-answer" face, so I'll also try my hand at answering some of the "unanswered" questions the show left behind...because I believe enough clues were sprinkled throughout the show to at least make a passing guess at some of the answers.
1) WHAT WERE THE NUMBERS? Well, we know that they were numbers assigned to each of Jacob's candidates - Sayid, Jack, Locke, Sawyer, Hurley, and Sun/Jin. I think that Jacob assigned those numbers to the candidates via his lighthouse "readings" (or coordinates, if that's a better term). And because those numbers were specific to his chosen candidates, the sequence had enough significance to permeate the island, showing up on the hatch, etc - the numbers are representative of the candidates, and hence, Jacob. I would therefore argue that Jacob himself was represented by 108.
2) YEAH, BUT WHAT ABOUT HURLEY'S LOTTO NUMBERS? We already know that he got them from a friend in the nut-house, who in turn picked them up when he was stationed somewhere near Australia...presumably from the island's broadcast itself (if I'm remembering correctly, the numbers were what was being sent out by the radio towers before Danielle replaced them with her own distress signal). As far as the sequence actually winning the lottery...well, obviously there's a bit of magic and mysticism involved in this show, and we're led to believe Jacob has a lot of mysterious power in the world - surely he was able to rig those little numbered ping pong balls.
3) WHAT WAS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ISLAND? We were told time and again that the island was the source of life as well as the guardian against evil for the world at large...this is one of the more hippie-dippy pieces of the show's mythology, but if we take it at face value, then the island needed to stay intact for the world to survive. I rather like EW's Jeff Jensen's theory on the matter, in regards to how the smoke monster's escape would engender the destruction of humanity itself: read it here.
4) BUT IF THE ISLAND WAS SO GREAT, WHY DID IT BRING EVERYONE SO MUCH PAIN AND MISERY? How can I put this gently...that's life, kid. Life's pretty grand, but it's also one m.f.'ing bitch when it wants to be.
5) WHY COULDN'T WOMEN GIVE BIRTH ON THE ISLAND? We know that this problem wasn't always around - after all, we saw Ethan safely brought into the world back in the '70s. I don't have a firm answer for this one, but as the Incident happened not long after the last known successful island birth, I've gotta believe that had something to do with it. Maybe the excess electromagnetic energy erodes our baby-making equipment - not enough to prevent pregnancy, but just enough to prevent it from succeeding.
6) WAIT, DIDN'T ROUSSEAU GIVE BIRTH TO ALEX AFTER THE INCIDENT? Yes, many years after. As did Claire to Aaron. But both babies who were conceived OFF island - and that made all the difference, don't you agree? Both women reached the island near the end of their pregnancies.
7) WHY WEREN'T MICHAEL AND WALT IN THE CHURCH? We were given a definitive answer about Michael earlier this season - he's stuck on the island, repenting for what he did - betraying his friends and killing Ana Lucia and Libby. I personally think it's less of the island keeping him jailed and more that he still can't forgive himself - and therefore move on. Much like Ben, but to a lesser degree, since Ben at least made it as far as the limbo that was the Sideways World. As far as Walt goes, no, I don't think it's simply a matter of the kid got too tall. Christian said that the castaways were all together in this place that they had made because their time together on the island represented the most important years of their lives. Walt was only on the island for about 2 months, and spent part of that time with the Others, away from the castaways. He returned to the "real" world, still a kid, and spent the majority of his life and formulative years AWAY from the island and the castaways. How important to YOU are the adults who surrounded you for a month when you were 13?
8) WHY WERE CHILDREN SO IMPORTANT TO THE OTHERS? They couldn't have babies. So they took them from other people on the island instead. Also, the Others, like Mother and the Man in Black (and perhaps, in part, Jacob) believe that humanity in general is corrupt, especially those coming from off the island, and therefore the children still had a chance to be raised in the "right" way.
9) WHO BUILT THE GIANT STATUE? WHAT ABOUT THE DONKEY WHEEL, OR THE DRAIN TO HELL? You've got me there. Statue, I'm assuming an earlier race of people that were brought to and lived on the island - Egyptians, of course, as the god depicted is Egyptian. How they did it, I have no idea - but I don't know how they built the pyramids or the Sphinx, either - they're pretty impressive, wouldn't you say? The donkey wheel must have been built by someone who came after the Man in Black died (and before Dharma arrived). We'll assume that Smokey (in the guise of someone dead that they knew) taught that person how to build it, but found he was unable for whatever reason to use it himself. And the drain to hell? That one must go way, WAY back. No clue.
10) WHY DIDN'T THE SMOKE MONSTER KILL EVERYBODY, INSTEAD OF ONLY SOME? Knowing now who he is, and that he had an ultimate plan, clearly it was in his best interest to keep some important players alive. And he couldn't kill Jacob's candidates anyway.
11) WHAT WAS THE CABIN, AND WAS JACOB EVER THERE? I assume it was a holding cell of sorts for the Man in Black/Smokey - I don't think Jacob ever lived there. Didn't really look like his sort of digs anyway, did it? And because we saw Christian Shepard there, and know the monster took his guise in the past, we'll assume that he was familiar with the cabin and perhaps lived there for a time. I think the ring of ash was put there by Dogon in an attempt to cage the Man in Black, not to protect someone inside from him. And I don't think it worked. We saw that the ring had been broken at some point after he whispered, "help me." By whom, we don't know. I'll have to go back and watch the series to see if the smoke monster shows up in any of the episodes between when we first see the cabin to when we see the ash ring broken - maybe he was indeed imprisoned for a few episodes, but obviously it didn't last. And he certainly wasn't imprisoned when the plane first crashed.
12) WHO WERE THE OTHERS? As we've seen, people occasionally come or are brought to the island. Usually they go to war with the Others, the group of people who are already in place on the island. By the end of this war, most of the new group are gone, and those who are left seem to migrate into the Others camp, just in time to join them in fighting the next group of newbies who crash into their home. We saw Cindy, Zack & Emma, Ben, Ethan, and Alex all become members of the Others. For a time, even our castaways were Others, to those who came from the freighter. As far as the "original" Others go, who knows...the first people to crash onto the island a millennium ago became the Others to whoever came next.
13) WHAT WAS THE SICKNESS? Danielle's team had it. Claire had it. Sayid had it. It happened whenever someone died but was brought back to life by Smokey - part of his corrupt essence stayed inside of them and slowly rotted who they were, turning them into Smoke Zombies. Sayid was able to resist it in the end - but I think that was an enormous act of will and only doable because he hadn't been under his influence for very long. Claire was fighting it, but I'm guessing she only truly came back to her senses when the island cracked open and Smokey lost his supernatural powers.
14) WHY DID CLAIRE LEAVE AARON BEHIND AND WANDER OFF INTO THE JUNGLE? As Claire had the sickness, I'm guessing she caught it when Keamy & crew attacked Dharma/Otherville. Sawyer found her lying bloodied in her back yard, behind her annihilated house. I always believed Claire died that day in the explosion, and I now believe I was right - only she didn't stay dead. Smokey brought her back to life, and in doing so, imbued her with his darkness, which gradually took control over her until one night it told her to leave Aaron and walk away with her father - also, as we know, the Man in Black.
OK, I'm going to stop for now. I feel like I've written a novel, or at least a decent-sized short story. Feel free to comment, argue, or pose further questions - I know there are a zillion more. I'm willing to take my shot at pretty much any of them - except for who Penny's mom was. Because my answer is, I don't give a sh*t. Peace.
Awaken by Christy Sloat
9 years ago
I will take all your answers as FACT, and leave it at that.
Love it, Summer...great thoughts and piecing together...I'm working on one myself...I'll send it by...much love!!
I like your thoughts and answers a lot! Very well thought out and with great examples to back up the theories. I agree with you that the end was and should have been more about the emotional closure than the answering of questions.
Thanks, Summer. Definitely helpful. Some of my rage is subsiding.
Okay, here's a question that I feel like is a likely candidate to be just a mistake in the writing. Who's dropping the Dharma food on the Swan station? I think maybe Widmore put Desmond there, so maybe he was trying to feed him, but why would he put Dharma logos on everything? And for that matter, what happened to the rest of the Dharma Initiative anyway? Faraday left for 3 years to work for the DI off-island at Ann Arbor, but if they have an off-island facility large and important enough to employ physics geniuses and regularly manufacture and distribute custom generic food products, why didn't they show up with a search party or something after Ben annihilated their island contingent? Seems like a mistake somewhere in the writing to me. Not that I care much, because I, like you, loved the ride either way. But I figured I'd see what your thoughts are.
Interesting questions, Eric...I, too, have wondered about the Dharma food drops. I don't think they were from Widmore, as he wasn't connected to the Dharma Initiative (as far as I remember, anyway).
My initial reaction is that the food drop was something that was paid for and sort of automated to happen for a number of years (therefore it would keep going even after the DI was gone), and maybe the DI is now no longer in existence due to lack of funding (in turn due to no further research coming from the island) - or it's only running a quiet underground operation.
Or perhaps the Detroit faction of the DI isn't sure what happened to their island contingent, and therefore keep the food drops going in hopes that someone still lives.
Maybe when they lost contact with the island DI (and their submarine, which the Others commandeered), the main body of the DI were never able to find the island again in order to send a search party? Though that doesn't explain how they'd be able to send a plane with a food drop.
Or maybe those pesky off-island Others (like Jill at the butcher's shop) took out the off-island DI at the same time as the Purge. Then the Others could have taken over their supplies & offices much like they took over Dharmaville and the sub, and continued to drop the Dharma food for their own island peeps.
??? thoughts ???
There's another complicated possibility that I've only just now considered in that when Ben wiped out the DI, he was the leader of the others AND a member of the DI.
So using his considerable powers of deceit and persuasion, he could have infiltrated the off-island DI command chain so that he could convince them to do what ever he wanted (like for instance dropping the jumpsuit dress code).
The Others, or maybe I should say Team Ben since "the Others" are kinda like Team Jacob and there is a slight distinction there (but I refuse to use the phrase Team Edward). But it seems like Team Ben was using off-island Dharma resources and perhaps even continuing Dharma work when they recruited Juliet. So perhaps Ben was controlling the food drops from the island in order to feed his own people and taking care of Desmond by default.
If I recall correctly, I believe there were no more Dharma food drops after Team Ben left Dharmaville. So that would more or less be in keeping with this idea. I don't know if that was ever really linked, but that mostly seems to work.
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